Cart32 has set up a wildcard A-Record and SSL on our server. Currently this is only available for This means that you can have your products post to something similar to this:
Where the highlighted text can be changed to whatever you want it to say (e.g. your store name). This means your customers will see the following URL when they are on one of your cart pages:
(where the AddItem would change depending on what part of the checkout process they are on)
This is an easy free feature to set up that only takes a couple of minutes.
The first, and possibly the most important thing you need to do to set this up is to change your Secure Domain Name in the Cart32 Admin. To do that simply go to Settings > Security > Secure Certificate Options in your Web Administration, and locate the Secure Domain Name field within the "Secure Transactions" box.
Currently you will see (or whatever server you are located on). All you need to do is change the www to whatever text you want to display in the checkout process. Generally this is the businesses domain.
When you are creating your form code, your first line is along the lines of this:
<form method="post" action="">
The highlighted text is considered your CGI Directory. If you want to implement the A-record on your site, you will need to edit your CGI Directory to reflect what you want as your "subdomain" (the www). It must be the same as the Secure Domain Name you set in the Cart32 Web Administration above.
For purposes of an example, a form code line that will work with an A-Record in place would look similar to this:
<form method="post" action="">
Once that change is made to every product you offer on your site, the customer will see the above URL when on your cart pages.
Note: The SSL only works with one sub domain; using multiple sub domains (e.g. will result in an SSL Error when navigating to the checkout pages.